Source code for metsim.methods.mtclim

# Meteorology Simulator
# Copyright (C) 2017  The Computational Hydrology Group, Department of Civil
# and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import metsim.constants as cnst
from metsim.physics import atm_pres, calc_pet, svp

[docs]def run(df: pd.DataFrame, params: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Runs the entire mtclim set of estimation routines. This will take a set of daily t_min, t_max, and prec to return a set of estimated variables. See the documentation for the other mtclim functions for more information about which variables are estimated. Note: this function modifies the input dictionary and returns it Parameters ---------- df: Dataframe containing daily inputs. params: A dictionary containing the class parameters of the MetSim object. Returns ------- df: The same dataframe with estimated variables added """ df['t_day'] = t_day(df['t_min'].values, df['t_max'].values, params) df['tfmax'] = tfmax(df['dtr'].values, df['smoothed_dtr'].values, df['prec'].values, params) df['tskc'] = tskc(df['tfmax'].values, params) tdew_old = df['t_min'].values vp_temp = vapor_pressure(df['t_min'].values) sw_temp = shortwave(df['tfmax'].values, vp_temp, df['tt_max'], df['potrad'].values) pet_temp = pet(sw_temp, df['t_day'].values, df['daylength'].values, params) tdew_temp = tdew(pet_temp, df['t_min'].values, df['seasonal_prec'].values, df['dtr'].values) while np.sqrt(np.mean((tdew_temp - tdew_old)**2)) > params['tdew_tol']: tdew_old = tdew_temp.copy() vp_temp = vapor_pressure(tdew_temp) sw_temp = shortwave(df['tfmax'].values, vp_temp, df['tt_max'].values, df['potrad'].values) pet_temp = pet(sw_temp, df['t_day'].values, df['daylength'].values, params) tdew_temp = tdew(pet_temp, df['t_min'].values, df['seasonal_prec'].values, df['dtr'].values) df['tdew'] = tdew_temp df['vapor_pressure'] = vapor_pressure(df['tdew'].values) df['shortwave'] = shortwave(df['tfmax'].values, df['vapor_pressure'].values, df['tt_max'].values, df['potrad'].values) df['pet'] = pet(df['shortwave'].values, df['t_day'].values, df['daylength'].values, params) return df
[docs]def t_day(t_min: np.ndarray, t_max: np.ndarray, params: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the daylight average temperature, based on a weighted parameterization. Parameters ---------- t_min: Timeseries of daily minimum temperature t_max: Timeseries of daily maximum temperature params: Dictionary of class parameters from the MetSim object Note this must contain the key 'tday_coef' Returns ------- tday: Daily average temperature during daylight hours """ t_mean = (t_min + t_max) / 2 return ((t_max - t_mean) * params['tday_coef']) + t_mean
[docs]def tfmax(dtr, sm_dtr, prec, params): """ Computes the maximum daily transmittance of the amtosphere under cloudy conditions Parameters ---------- dtr: Daily temperature range sm_dtr: Smoothed daily temperature range using 30 moving window prec: Daily total precipitation params: Dictionary of class parameters from the MetSim object Note this must contain the keys 'sw_prec_thresh' and 'rain_scalar' Returns ------- tfmax: Daily maximum cloudy-sky transmittance """ b = cnst.B0 + cnst.B1 * np.exp(-cnst.B2 * sm_dtr) tfmax = 1.0 - 0.9 * np.exp(-b * np.power(dtr, cnst.C)) inds = np.array(prec > params['sw_prec_thresh']) tfmax[inds] *= params['rain_scalar'] return tfmax
[docs]def pet(shortwave, t_day, daylength, params): """ Computes potential evapotranspiration Note this should be jointly computed iteratively with ``tdew``, ``vapor_pressure``, and ``shortwave`` as used in the main ``run`` function. Parameters ---------- shortwave: Daily estimated shortwave radiation t_day: Daylight average temperature daylength: Daily length of daylight params: Dictionary of class parameters from the MetSim object Note this must contain the keys 'sw_prec_thresh' and 'rain_scalar' Returns ------- pet: Estimated potential evapotranspiration """ pa = atm_pres(params['elev'], params['lapse_rate']) return calc_pet(shortwave, t_day, daylength, pa) * cnst.MM_PER_CM
[docs]def tdew(pet, t_min, seasonal_prec, dtr): """ Computes dewpoint temperature Note this should be jointly computed iteratively with ``pet``, ``vapor_pressure``, and ``shortwave`` as used in the main ``run`` function. Parameters ---------- pet: Estimated potential evapotranspiration t_min: Daily minimum temperature seasonal_prec: 90 running total precipitation dtr: Daily temperature range Returns ------- tdew: Estimated dewpoint temperature """ parray = seasonal_prec < 80.0 seasonal_prec[parray] = 80.0 ratio = pet / seasonal_prec return np.array((t_min + cnst.KELVIN) * (-0.127 + 1.121 * (1.003 - 1.444 * ratio + 12.312 * np.power(ratio, 2) - 32.766 * np.power(ratio, 3)) + 0.0006 * dtr) - cnst.KELVIN)
[docs]def vapor_pressure(tdew): """ Computes vapor pressure Note this should be jointly computed iteratively with ``pet``, ``tdew``, and ``shortwave`` as used in the main ``run`` function. Parameters ---------- tdew: Daily dewpoint temperature Returns ------- vapor_pressure: Estimated vapor pressure """ return svp(tdew)
[docs]def shortwave(tfmax, vapor_pressure, tt_max, potrad): """ Computes shortwave radiation Note this should be jointly computed iteratively with ``pet``, ``tdew``, and ``vapor_pressure`` as used in the main ``run`` function. Parameters ---------- tfmax: Daily maximum cloudy-sky transmittance Returns ------- vapor_pressure: Estimated vapor pressure """ t_tmax = np.maximum(tt_max + (cnst.ABASE * vapor_pressure), 0.0001) return potrad * t_tmax * tfmax
[docs]def tskc(tfmax, params): """ Computes cloud cover fraction Parameters ---------- tfmax: Daily maximum cloudy-sky transmittance params: Dictionary of class parameters from the MetSim object Returns ------- tskc: Daily estimated cloud cover fraction """ if (params['lw_cloud'].upper() == 'CLOUD_DEARDORFF'): return 1. - tfmax return np.sqrt((1. - tfmax) / 0.65)